Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi euismod commodo metus, vel ultricies libero viverra id. Vestibulum consectetur lectus eget orci pharetra molestie. Morbi ac ligula nibh. Aenean cursus purus a turpis varius, non tempus mauris consequat.


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Cupcake ipsum dolor. Sit amet dessert. Macaroon croissant jelly beans cookie cake sesame snaps wafer brownie. Chupa chups jujubes icing macaroon sugar plum ice cream cheesecake. Croissant marshmallow I love sweet toffee danish pudding. Pudding apple pie gingerbread muffin danish oat cake. Powder gummies I love. Tootsie roll jujubes I love bonbon fruitcake pastry chocolate bar. Soufflé tootsie roll fruitcake carrot cake chocolate pie soufflé croissant. Cotton candy cheesecake bonbon.
<p>Danish biscuit I love tart I love candy. Donut chocolate bar topping candy. I love muffin I love lemon drops gummi bears chocolate cake gingerbread. Sweet roll I love I love toffee icing. Candy canes bonbon cupcake chocolate liquorice chupa chups brownie. Biscuit marshmallow jujubes sweet oat cake.

</div><div class="four"></div><div class="five"></div></div></div><div style='margin-top: 3px; width: 100%; text-align: center; font-family: trebuchet ms; font-size: 7px; color:#777; line-height:100%; letter-spacing:1px;'><a href="http://shine.jcink.net/index.php?showuser=599"> © LOUIS </a></div></center>



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<div class="problem"><div class="oneless"><div class="lessprob"></div><div class="oneprob"><a href="http://shine.jcink.net/index.php?showuser=54"><img src="http://placehold.it/100"/></a></div><div class="problems">

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet gummi bears. Muffin candy canes liquorice cheesecake powder. Chupa chups powder sweet tiramisu powder lemon drops jelly muffin wafer. Biscuit souffl� jelly beans jelly-o gummi bears sweet roll oat cake chocolate cake. [b]Cotton[/b] candy brownie oat cake halvah sweet roll bonbon liquorice marshmallow. Jelly-o toffee gingerbread marshmallow oat cake cupcake oat cake macaroon cookie. Bear claw chocolate cake carrot cake cookie lemon drops pastry donut oat cake.<p>
Tiramisu bear claw caramels toffee jelly tart jujubes sesame snaps pudding. Tart dessert dessert pudding jelly-o icing. Souffl� gummi bears dessert lollipop [b]chupa chups[/b] tart danish topping. Tootsie roll tiramisu chupa chups candy marshmallow pudding ice cream macaroon. Sweet roll sugar plum jelly-o lollipop. Icing candy canes cheesecake macaroon. Pastry biscuit candy canes pastry icing drag�e cookie topping candy canes. Candy canes tart cotton candy gingerbread cheesecake lollipop halvah chocolate bar souffl�.




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<div class="flowertempimg"></div>

<div style="font-family: 'Sofia', cursive; color: #aa6655; font-size: 15px; position: relative; top: -130px; left: 50px;">the sweet escape is always laced with a</div>
<div style="font-family: 'Sofia', cursive; color: #8D885B; font-size: 16px; position: relative; top: -120px; left: 98px;">familiar taste of poison</div>

<div style="font-family: tahoma; font-size: 8px; color: #aa6655; position: relative; top: -115px; left: -35px;"> 
tag: | words: | notes:
<div class="flowertemppost">

rp post here

<center><div style="width: 350px; text-align: right;"><a href="http://cttw.jcink.net/index.php?showuser=1812" style="color: #8D885B; font-size: 10px;">●</a><a href="http://shine.b1.jcink.com/index.php?showuser=12916"style="color: #8D885B; font-size: 10px;">●</a></div></center>



<!--HTML--><style>.wooopwords { text-align: justify; padding: 9px; font: 9px tahoma; background: #fff; line-height: 98%; }
.wooopwords b { color: #0081ab; } .wooopwords blockquote { padding: 9px 5px 0px; border-top: 1px dotted #cdcdcd; margin: 9px 20px 0px; text-align: center; }</style><center><div style="width: 290px; padding: 20px; background: url(http://subtlepatterns.com/patterns/scribble_light.png);"><div style="padding: 18px; border: 1px dotted #fff;"><a href='http://shine.jcink.net/index.php?showuser=2317'><img src="IMAGE HERE" width="250px"></a>
<div class="wooopwords">

words go here

<blockquote> tag and notes in here </blockquote></div></div></div></center>



<!--HTML--><center><div style="width: 235px; height: 9px; padding: 5px; background: #fff; border-bottom: 1px dotted #000;"><div style="width: 235px; height: 9px; font-family: calibri; font-size: 8px; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: center; letter-spacing: 1px;">say geronimo, can you feel my love?</div></div><a href="http://shine.b1.jcink.com/index.php?showuser=3048"><div style="width: 245px; height: 19px; background: #82a4b7; margin-top: 5px;"></div></a>

<img src="GIF HERE OF ANY SIZE WILL RESIZE" width="245px">

<div style="width: 240px; max-height: 300px; overflow: auto; margin-top: 5px; padding-right: 5px; line-height: 100%; font-family: calibri; font-size: 10px; color: #000; text-align: justify;" class="geronimoscroll">


</div><div style="width: 235px; height: 8px; padding: 5px; background: #fff; border-top: 1px dotted #000; margin-top: 5px;"><div style="width: 235px; height: 8px; font-family: calibri; font-size: 8px; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: center;">WORDS ▴ NOTES</div></div></center><style>.geronimoscroll::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 1px;}
.geronimoscroll::-webkit-scrollbar-track { background: transparent; }
.geronimoscroll::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background: #82a4b7; }</style>



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<div class="twistedup">
<div class="disguiseasasmile"><div style="width: 100px; height: 100px; margin-bottom: 5px; margin-right: 15px; float: left; background-image:url(http://placehold.it/100x100); border: 3px double #fff;"></div>

your text goes here. use the < p >< /p > tags if you want the stylized first line on the paragraphs. use the < br > tags if you don't want the stylized first lines.

<div class="littlenotes">tag: name | words | notes | <a href="http://shine.b1.jcink.com/index.php?showuser=1128"><span style="font-size: 11px; color: #999999;">✿</span></a></div></center>



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<div style="width:442px; border-top: solid 15px #866991; border-bottom: solid 8px #866991; "><div style="width:440px; border: solid 1px 2D0D39;">
<div style="width: 400px; background-color: #fff; text-align: justify; font: 9px arial; color: #000; line-height: 100%; padding: 10px 10px 1px 10px; border-right: solid 10px #6A4776; border-left: solid 10px #6A4776;">

<div style ="width: 390px; padding: 5px; opacity:0.9px; background-color:#fff; font-family: 'Megrim', cursive; font-size:15px; line-height: 100%; border-top: dashed 1px #2D0D39;  border-bottom: dashed 1px #2D0D39; ">FILL THIS UP WITH AS MANY WORDS AS YOU WANT <3</div><p>

<div style="width: 150px; height: 150px; background-image: url(http://i57.tinypic.com/15ewlqh.jpg); float: left; margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px; border-bottom: 5px solid white"></div>

your text goes here!! make sure to fill it up nicely so that the code floats properly!!! 

<div style ="width: 390px; padding: 5px; opacity:0.9px; background-color:#fff; font-family: 'Megrim', cursive; font-size:15px; line-height: 100%; border-bottom: dashed 1px #2D0D39;  border-top: dashed 1px #2D0D39; text-align:center;">tag: here | word count: ### | notes: here</div><p></div></div></div>

<div style="width: 440px; font-size:10px; text-align: right; color:#000;"><a href=http://shine.jcink.net/index.php?showuser=16545>♡</a></div></center>



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<div align="center">
<div class="temp_sp"><img src="URL TO IMAGE HERE"></div>
<div class="temp_spbk">
<div class="lyric_box2">LINE ONE OF LYRIC</div>
<div class="lyric_box1">LINES TWO</div>

<div class="temp_sptxt">

Lorem ipsum dolor sat amet, consectetur adipisicing elat, sed do eiusmod teapor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna jciqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercatation ullamco laboris nisi ut jciquip ex ea commodo consequat. <t>"Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderat in voluptate velat esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur."</t> Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollat anim id est laborum. Lorem ipsum dolor sat amet, consectetur adipisicing elat, sed do eiusmod teapor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna jciqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercatation ullamco laboris nisi ut jciquip ex ea commodo consequat. "Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderat in voluptate velat esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur." Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollat anim id est laborum.


<div class="temp_bottom">
<div class="temp_tag">For Character</div>
<div class="temp_notes">Notes here!</div>

</div><div class="viicred"><a href="http://shine.jcink.net/index.php?showuser=2371">Thanks Vii❣</a></div></div>



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   <div class="swimtitle">
     <div class="swimtitlef">All hell is breaking loose
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     <div class="swimtagg" style="top: 103px">note</div>

   <div class="swimp1" style="background-image: url(480 X 165 IMG HERE)">
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</div></div></div><div style="width: 240px; background: #8B668B; height: 12px; padding: 5px; font-family: calibri; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #fff; text-align: center; font-size: 8px;">


</div></td></table></div><a href="http://shine.b1.jcink.com/index.php?showuser=3048"><div style="width: 330px; color: #000; font-size: 6px; letter-spacing: 3px; margin-top: 3px; text-align: center;">WHAT KATY DID</div></a></center><style>.blamescroll::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 2px;}
.blamescroll::-webkit-scrollbar-track { background: transparent; }
.blamescroll::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background: #ffffff; }</style>



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.cooler {width: 500px; height: 333px;  background-image:url(http://s21.postimg.org/84d1rclpj/plotter.png);}
.me {width: 500px; background-color: #1f274c; border: 2px solid #757d7f;}

<div class="me">
<div class="cooler"></div>
<div style="font-family: Lobster; color: #989898; font-size: 25px; width: 350px; text-align: center; line-height: 110%;">you think you're cooler than me</div>
<div style="font-family: gilda display; color: #989898; font-size: 11px; width: 320px; text-align: center; line-height: 90%; letter-spacing: 3px;">you never say "hey" or remember my name and it's probably 'cause</div>
<div style="font-size: 12px; width: 470px;  padding: 5px; margin-top: 15px; text-align: left; color: #989898; line-height: 110%;">
write your post here
<a href="http://shine.b1.jcink.com/index.php?showuser=5342">Savvy!</a>



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<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td>

<img src="LINK TO A 200PX BY 120PX IMAGE HERE!!! IF YOU LINK TO A GIF IT WILL RESIZE" width= "200" height= "120"></a>

<div style="width: 110px; height: 20px; text-align: center; font-family: 'Open Sans Condensed', sans-serif; font-size: 11px; line-height: 170%; letter-spacing: 4px; color: #fff; text-transform: uppercase; padding: 10px; background-color: #89606a;">### WORDS</div>

<div style="width: 110px; height: 20px; text-align: center; font-family: 'Open Sans Condensed', sans-serif; font-size: 11px; line-height: 170%; letter-spacing: 4px; color: #fff; text-transform: uppercase; padding: 10px; background-color: #6a4252;">TAGGED </div>

<div style="width: 110px; height: 20px; text-align: center; font-family: 'Open Sans Condensed', sans-serif; font-size: 11px; line-height: 170%; letter-spacing: 4px; color: #fff; text-transform: uppercase; padding: 10px; background-color: #363434;">NOTES: BLAH!</div>



<div style="width: 380px; text-align: right;  font-family: arial; font-size: 7px; text-transform: uppercase; line-height: 100%; padding-top: 2px;">[url=http://shine.b1.jcink.com/index.php?showuser=28][color=969696]THANKS ♥[/color][/url]</div>



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<div class="all">
<div class="topall">

<div class="banner">
<div class="bannertext">
<h1>first line of lyrics</h1>
<h2>second line of lyrcs</h2>

<div class="topimg">

<div class="textbox">

Text Goes here


<div class="bottombanner">
words: # - tag: # - notes: #


<div style="width: 350px; font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; text-align: center;"><a href="http://shine.jcink.net/index.php?showtopic=25286">✿ lealea</a></div></center>



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<a href="http://shine.jcink.net/index.php?showuser=2147">✱</a>
<tag>NAME</tag> & <tag>NAME</tag> + <tag>###</tag> words
</div><div class="omst5">

Your post goes right here.

</div><div class="omst6"></div>
</div></center><style type='text/css'>
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<img src='http://placehold.it/100/f5f5f5'>

</div></div><div class='three'><div class='four'>

here's a post and then [b]"here is a quote"[/b] the gif HAS to be a square

</div></div><div class='five'>i'll hold your hands, they're just like ice</div></div><div style='margin-top:8px; width:100%; text-align:center; font-family:calibri; font-size:8px; color:#777; line-height:100%; letter-spacing:2px;'>[url=http://shine.jcink.net/index.php?showuser=599]© LOUIS![/url]</div></center>



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   <img src="100X100 PICTURE HURR, AUTO-RESIZES!!" width="100" height="100">
     <div class="adelaide-tag" style="margin-top: 10px;">tag</div>
     <div class="adelaide-tag">###</div>
     <div class="adelaide-tag"><a href="urlhere">outfit</a>
   <div class="adelaide-title">
 <div id="adelaide-container">
 <div class="adelaide-text">
   text goes here, no scroll, <b>this is bold</i> and <i>this is italics</i>
 <h1>one line of lyrics, don't stretch over the one line!!!!</h1>
 <div class="adelaide-credits"><a href="http://z10.invisionfree.com/A_THOUSAND_FIREFLIES/index.php?showuser=24756">thanks</a> <a href="http://shine.b1.jcink.com/index.php?showuser=9451">dino!</a></div>



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#CHARACTERNAMEHERE .lucithreadtitle { color: #PRETTYCOLOR }
#CHARACTERNAMEHERE .lucithreadpost b{ color: #PRETTYCOLOR  }


<div class="lucithreadwrap">
<div class="lucithreadheader"><table><tr><td><div class="threadimage">



<td><div class="lucithreadtitle">SHORT TITLE</div>

<div class="lucithreadsub">LINE OF LYRICS HERE</div></td></tr></table>
<div class="lucithreadpost">




<a href="http://shine.b1.jcink.com/index.php?showuser=14953"><div style="width: 390px; text-align: right; padding-top: 5px; font-size: 5px; letter-spacing: 2px; font-family: raleway; font-weight: 700px; opacity: 0.5;">THNX LUCI!</DIV></a>



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<div class="violent-violet-wrap"><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr>
<td><div class="violent-violet-photo" style="background-image: url(https://placehold.it/200x350);">
<div class="violent-violet-photo-title-box"><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><div class="violent-violet-photo-title">
Lost Souls</div></td><td><div id="violent-violet-photo-triangle"></td></tr></table></div></div>

<td><div class="violent-violet-post">


</div></td><td><div class="violent-violet-right-side"><div class="violent-violet-right-side-container">

<div class="violent-violet-right-side-box"><div id="triangle-left"></div><div class="violent-violet-right-side-box-text">

<div class="violent-violet-right-side-box"><div id="triangle-left"></div><div class="violent-violet-right-side-box-text">

<div class="violent-violet-right-side-box"><div id="triangle-left"></div><div class="violent-violet-right-side-box-text">
<a href="#" target="_blank">outfit</a></div></div>

<div class="violent-violet-right-side-box"><div id="triangle-left"></div><div class="violent-violet-right-side-box-text"><a href="http://shine.jcink.net/index.php?showuser=8008" target="_blank">m</a></div></div>



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<div class="threespace">
<div class="threeimg2">
<div class="threespace">
<div class="threeimg3">

<div class="threemain">
<div class="threelyrics">
One Line of Lyrics here

<div class="threetext">
text goes here!

<div class="threefoot">
notes | outfit | words | tag

<div style="width: 420px; font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: #7EC4BD; text-align: center; padding: 5px; "><a href="http://shine.jcink.net/index.php?showuser=14522"><3 lealea</a></div></center>



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<div class="tennis"><div class="tennisb"></div><div class="tennist"></div><div class="tennisi"><a href="http://shine.jcink.net/index.php?showuser=54"><img src="http://placehold.it/130"/></a></div><div class="tennisbt">


</div><div class="tenniste">

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet jujubes. Candy pudding marzipan jujubes croissant jujubes pudding cheesecake. Souffl� ice cream gingerbread. Muffin cake tart powder fruitcake pastry sweet roll pudding. Tiramisu drag�e chocolate candy canes gingerbread gummies toffee. Marshmallow chocolate sweet roll topping. Caramels tart gummi bears bonbon apple pie cotton candy gummies. Gingerbread candy sugar plum tootsie roll chocolate pudding carrot cake. Muffin cookie sweet roll. Caramels marshmallow cake sugar plum jelly ice cream. Powder halvah chupa chups marshmallow croissant. Cake wafer chocolate cake macaroon. Cake ice cream cotton candy pudding candy canes carrot cake cookie. Jelly chocolate toffee.<p>
Candy fruitcake candy canes. Dessert croissant marzipan bear claw candy. Ice cream toffee danish cheesecake jelly-o marzipan wafer drag�e cookie. Topping biscuit oat cake pudding muffin candy chocolate cake. Muffin toffee jujubes chupa chups tootsie roll donut bonbon topping topping. Carrot cake cookie croissant chocolate bar halvah. Bear claw fruitcake wafer dessert brownie candy danish. Powder tootsie roll cupcake oat cake cake candy canes pastry pastry chocolate cake. Cupcake souffl� macaroon jujubes sugar plum muffin. Powder gingerbread lemon drops tart gummi bears pie croissant. Brownie macaroon sweet marshmallow. Icing croissant tart oat cake. Cake jelly beans pudding pastry halvah pie cheesecake cupcake muffin.<p>
Liquorice caramels lollipop chocolate lollipop. Cake chocolate bar marshmallow bear claw chupa chups ice cream gummies souffl� biscuit. Cotton candy gummi bears gingerbread. Chocolate cake icing apple pie jelly-o drag�e caramels sugar plum halvah pudding. Lollipop chocolate bar lollipop topping. Jujubes toffee jujubes oat cake sugar plum. Macaroon biscuit liquorice pastry chocolate. Dessert chocolate bar jelly-o marshmallow dessert pie sesame snaps sugar plum chupa chups. Jelly-o croissant danish caramels. Topping marshmallow wafer croissant muffin. Ice cream souffl� gummies donut. Pudding candy liquorice drag�e pastry wafer lemon drops.




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<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td><div style="width:250px;height:190px;background-color:#55484C;"><div style="width:234px;padding:3px;font-family:'Crushed';text-transform:uppercase;font-size:10px;line-height:10px;letter-spacing:3px;color:#F4F4F3;text-align:center;margin-left:5px;">You need adrenaline You gotta go and get you some</div><div style="width:160px;text-align:justify;color:#F4F4F3;font-family:'Crushed';font-size:36px;font-weight:bold;line-height:25px;float:left;margin-left:10px;margin-top:15px;margin-bottom:15px;">yeah, if you wanna stay beautiful and broken</div><div style="width:234px;padding:3px;font-family:'Crushed';text-transform:uppercase;font-size:10px;line-height:10px;letter-spacing:3px;color:#F4F4F3;margin-top:130px;text-align:center;margin-left:5px;">to get you through this life If you wanna stop the tears that you’ve been choking.</div></div></td><td><div style="width:300px;height:190px;background-color:#F4F4F3;"><div style="width:120px;height:120px;border-radius:120px;border:solid 3px #F4F4F3;float:left;margin-left:-60px;margin-top:25px;"><div style="width:100px;height:100px;border-radius:100px;border:solid 10px #55484C;background-image:url(http://placehold.it/100x100;"></div></div><div style="width:205px;height:150px;overflow:auto;padding:5px;border:dashed 1px #55484C;color:#55484C;font-family:trebuchet ms;font-size:11px;line-height:11px;text-align:justify;float:right;margin-top:15px;margin-right:10px;">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras at aliquam leo. Mauris non lorem pharetra, efficitur enim at, convallis tortor. Integer porttitor augue eu est volutpat, quis tempor urna blandit. Sed eleifend a turpis quis lobortis. Pellentesque nulla purus, viverra consequat neque non, porttitor finibus diam. Donec ac augue viverra, euismod ligula porta, dapibus lorem. Pellentesque bibendum, nisl ac tincidunt molestie, ex felis bibendum nunc, in ornare nisl nibh at nisi. In eget mi vel sem tempus posuere.
Phasellus suscipit lectus ex. Vivamus feugiat gravida justo, eu accumsan sem lacinia sed. Praesent consectetur vestibulum magna, vitae convallis eros hendrerit.</div></div></td></tr></table>[url=http://shine.jcink.net/index.php?showuser=14139]♥♥♥[/url]</center>



<!--HTML--><center><div style="width: 400px; background-color: #EAD1C0; border: solid 15px #91312E; border-radius: 40px;"><div style="font-family: impact; font-size: 53px; color: #91312E; letter-spacing: -4px; text-align: center;margin-top:30px;margin-bottom:10px;">* IT'S AN EYE FOR AN EYE</div><div style="font-family: impact; font-size: 55px; color: #000000; text-align: center;margin-right:-140px;margin-bottom:5px;margin-top:-3px;">- - - - - - - - - -</div><div style="width: 100px; height: 100px; background-image:url(http://i.imgur.com/qdDVvxv.png); border-radius: 150px; border: solid 2px #91312E;margin-left:-250px;"></div><div style="width: 100px; height: 100px; background-image:url(http://i.imgur.com/qdDVvxv.png); border-radius: 150px; border: solid 2px #91312E; margin-left: 45px;margin-left:0px;margin-top:-105px;"></div><div style="width: 100px; height: 100px; background-image:url(http://i.imgur.com/qdDVvxv.png); border-radius: 150px; border: solid 2px #91312E; margin-left: 250px;margin-top:-105px;"></div><div style="font-family: georgia; font-size: 15px;letter-spacing:-2px;text-transform:uppercase; text-align: center; color: #91312E;line-height:17px;">let the blind lead the blind in your so-called life</div><div style="width: 320px;background-color:#EAD1C0; color: #000000; font-size: 12px; text-align: justify; padding: 15px; box-shadow: inset 5px 5px 5px 0px #722624;margin-top: 1px;line-height:14px;">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec aliquam lacus quis enim vehicula, eu dignissim mauris lacinia. Sed vel molestie elit. Curabitur quis quam ante. Ut id cursus nibh, id mattis velit. Donec pellentesque urna at nibh ullamcorper molestie. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed id sem sagittis, mattis purus id, ornare ante.

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent vel ligula orci. Suspendisse sagittis diam ullamcorper fermentum fermentum. Etiam ut aliquet orci. Aenean id sem id mauris ultricies auctor vel vel ante. Etiam mollis massa sit amet turpis ultricies, congue aliquam tellus feugiat. Etiam ac felis condimentum, ornare neque in, hendrerit eros. Morbi nec neque eget enim pellentesque dignissim id vitae eros. Nunc ut volutpat arcu, sed cursus tellus. Sed pulvinar, diam vitae auctor ultricies, orci metus consectetur neque, sed tincidunt metus ipsum a justo. Proin ornare hendrerit enim, et volutpat augue ornare sed. Fusce non interdum lacus, non semper ipsum. Etiam a lacus non diam rhoncus tincidunt.

Pellentesque at lacus egestas, adipiscing augue ut, laoreet elit. Pellentesque vitae scelerisque sem, eu sollicitudin neque. Aliquam pretium rhoncus eros, et tempus arcu volutpat id. Etiam placerat imperdiet eros. Proin vel leo mollis, ullamcorper leo eget, pretium mi. Ut posuere augue hendrerit, congue libero id, mattis turpis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec eget erat non purus sagittis lacinia. Aenean volutpat turpis sit amet nibh luctus aliquet.</div><div style="font-family: georgia; font-size: 16px; color: #91312E; letter-spacing: -2px; margin-top: 1px; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase;line-height:18px;">are you out there? are you listening?<br>
is there something we're still missing?</div><div style="width: 350px;background-color: #91312E; color: #EAD1C0; font-size: 9px; font-family: georgia; text-align: center; margin-bottom: 15px;line-height:10px;">[b]WORDS[/b] ### [b]TAGS[/b] tags here<br>
[b]NOTES[/b] any notes </div></div>[url=http://shine.jcink.net/index.php?showuser=14139]♥♥♥[/url]</center>



<!--HTML--><center><div style="width:420px;height:450px;border-radius:30px 0px 30px 0px;background-color:#3D312D;border-left:solid 5px #AD8B80;border-right:solid 5px #AD8B80;"><div style="width:260px;font-size:10px;text-align:right;color:#876C64;margin-left:30px;float:left;margin-top:10px;font-family:calibri;text-transform:lowercase;line-height:11px;">Nothing shocks you like a bullet hole Leaving my fear on the danger line Suffering no man should never know Leaving my faith on the danger line I know what you're thinking I've been there before So think of the times The time we spent laughing away So think of the times At home
</div><div style="width:100px;height:100px;border:solid 2px #876C64;float:right;margin-right:12px;margin-top:10px;">[img]http://i.imgur.com/SHiBQnI.png[/img]</div><div style="width:260px;height:330px;background-color:rgba(135,108,100,.8);color:#000000;overflow:auto;padding:10px;font-size:11px;text-align:justify;float:left;margin-left:15px;margin-top:10px;font-family:calibri;line-height:12px;">Love to play with owner's hair tie scratch leg; meow for can opener to feed me so jump around on couch, meow constantly until given food, , yet hide from vacuum cleaner. Cat slap dog in face run in circles, or chase dog then run away and nap all day. Meow all night having their mate disturbing sleeping humans hate dog, for claw drapes. Use lap as chair shove bum in owner's face like camera lens or claws in your leg so put toy mouse in food bowl run out of litter box at full speed . Destroy couch scream at teh bath and leave hair everywhere present belly, scratch hand when stroked. Scratch leg; meow for can opener to feed me. I am the best use lap as chair who's the baby love to play with owner's hair tie yet intently sniff hand, but pelt around the house and up and down stairs chasing phantoms or then cats take over the world. Get video posted to internet for chasing red dot plan steps for world domination. Spit up on light gray carpet instead of adjacent linoleum spread kitty litter all over house or spread kitty litter all over house, and then cats take over the world eat a plant, kill a hand but then cats take over the world. 
Sit by the fire destroy couch, for spread kitty litter all over house so ignore the squirrels, you'll never catch them anyway. Loves cheeseburgers refuse to drink water except out of someone's glass but chase laser yet rub face on owner, for refuse to drink water except out of someone's glass need to chase tail. Pelt around the house and up and down stairs chasing phantoms spot something, big eyes, big eyes, crouch, shake butt, prepare to pounce play time cough furball ignore the squirrels, you'll never catch them anyway chew iPad power cord. Chase laser has closed eyes but still sees you. Hide head under blanket so no one can see.
Sun bathe purr while eating hunt anything that moves, but pelt around the house and up and down stairs chasing phantoms or chew iPad power cord ears back wide eyed. Chase imaginary bugs. Loves cheeseburgers shove bum in owner's face like camera lens for rub face on owner but sleep in the bathroom sink. 

</div><div style="float:right;width:90px;height:110px;overflow:auto;border:dotted 2px #876C64;color:#876C64;text-align:center;font-size:10px;padding:5px;margin-right:12px;margin-top:10px;font-family:verdana;line-height:11px;">[b]WORDS[/b]<br>
people here
[url=http://shine.jcink.net/index.php?showuser=14139]AKEMI OF SHINE[/url]</div><div style="width:110px;font-family:georgia;font-style:italic;font-weight:bold;font-size:28px;color:#AD8B80;float:right;margin-right:12px;text-shadow:2px 2px 1px #876C64;text-align:right;line-height:30px;">i've sung my<br>last song today</div></div></center>



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<div id="rol"><div style="width: 405px; height: 300px; background: #fff; padding: 30px; opacity: 0.9;"></div>
<div class="len" style="background: url(IMAGE HERE!!! 200x300);">
<div class="cke">tagged</div> <div class="cke">words</div> <div class="cke">outfit</div>
<a href="http://shine.b1.jcink.com/index.php?showuser=5438"><div class="cke">emilie</div></a></div><div class="nro"> 
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.spock { width: 300px; height: 150px; background-image: url(http://placehold.it/300x150); }

.bones { width: 250px; padding: 25px; font-family: calibri; font-size: 11px; line-height: 100%; text-align: justify; }

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<center><div class="enterprise"><div class="kirk"></div><div class="spock"></div><div class="bones">text text text</div><div class="kirk"><div class="chekov">WORDS | TAG | NOTES</div></div><div style="width: 300px; font-family: arial; font-size: 14px; text-align: right;"><a href="http://shine.b1.jcink.com/index.php?showuser=8866">♣</a></div></div></center>



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<style type="text/css" >..backB { background-color: #3D2B1F; width: 450px; padding-top: 5px; margin-top: 10px; }
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     <div class="backB"> <img src="http://placehold.it/450x200" style="width:450; height:200; font-size: 9px; font-family: times new roman; "> </div>
 <div class="textB">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris rhoncus iaculis mollis. Donec interdum, orci sed ultricies fermentum, urna magna placerat nunc, quis imperdiet leo enim nec nulla. Sed convallis velit vel lacus tristique consectetur. Aliquam semper, leo ac volutpat suscipit, mi ipsum bibendum lectus, eget pharetra ligula enim quis dui. Aliquam a condimentum nibh, et interdum nunc. Vestibulum rhoncus neque congue venenatis ornare. Maecenas aliquam lectus ut mi volutpat, ac condimentum erat blandit. Suspendisse potenti. In enim magna, feugiat et hendrerit a, malesuada vel magna. Nulla lobortis nec magna non gravida. Etiam sed libero vitae neque ullamcorper pretium. Integer libero sapien, venenatis porta fringilla faucibus, tempor eget libero. Proin porttitor interdum enim, ac venenatis nulla rhoncus et. Cras vitae libero a leo sodales volutpat. Mauris dapibus, turpis laoreet malesuada mollis, nisl purus faucibus odio, vel placerat mi quam at nulla.<p>

Cras ante diam, tristique nec est at, volutpat lobortis magna. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed eleifend lacus tortor, vitae euismod diam ultricies aliquet. Ut vitae cursus felis. In sit amet felis suscipit, pellentesque leo eu, semper sapien. Quisque convallis, ligula eu volutpat vestibulum, sapien magna aliquet dolor, sit amet faucibus arcu ipsum eu erat. Maecenas at nisi aliquam, consequat justo ac, venenatis lorem. Aliquam erat volutpat. Morbi eget ipsum quis nunc egestas faucibus. Etiam orci lectus, bibendum sit amet odio sed, egestas dictum enim. Aenean adipiscing sem in lorem vulputate pulvinar. <p><div class="iconIB"></div>
Morbi posuere sapien ac ligula sagittis, sed eleifend velit posuere. Cras id suscipit diam. Donec sed malesuada lacus, ut blandit nulla. Morbi molestie eros fringilla, ornare elit ut, consequat lorem. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Integer laoreet, ligula ac commodo ultricies, diam eros pulvinar augue, at viverra nisl sapien ut est. Duis ut sollicitudin libero. Etiam id justo eget urna hendrerit auctor sed sed odio. Sed ipsum mi, dapibus sed tristique sit amet, porta quis ipsum. Cras vel egestas urna. <p>Morbi posuere sapien ac ligula sagittis, sed eleifend velit posuere. Cras id suscipit diam. Donec sed malesuada lacus, ut blandit nulla. Morbi molestie eros fringilla, ornare elit ut, consequat lorem. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Integer laoreet, ligula ac commodo ultricies, diam eros pulvinar augue, at viverra nisl sapien ut est. Duis ut sollicitudin libero. Etiam id justo eget urna hendrerit auctor sed sed odio. Sed ipsum mi, dapibus sed tristique sit amet, porta quis ipsum. Cras vel egestas urna. <p>
        <div class="stats1B">
       |<b> Word:</B> ### |
       <b> Outfit:</b> Link |
       <b> Mood:</b> Nervous |
       <b> Tagging:</b> Name |

       <div class="credB">created by MORGANA PENDRAGON @ <a href="http://candylandcouture.b1.jcink.com/index.php?showuser=2077"STYLE="TEXT-DECORATION: NONE"><font color="#E7FEFF">Candyland Couture</font></a> & <a href="http://shine.b1.jcink.com/index.php?showuser=8843"STYLE="TEXT-DECORATION: NONE"><font color="#E7FEFF">Shine</font></a></div>



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 .bsibg {
   background-color: #FAFAFA; padding: 4px; width: 450px; border: 1px solid #EEE;
 .bsititle {
   background-color: #95d9db; font-weight: bold; padding: 32px; color: #FFF;
   font-family: raleway; letter-spacing: -1px; text-align: center;
   text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 31px; font-weight: 900; 
   text-shadow: 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.2); border-bottom: 5px solid #89c9cb;
   text-transform: uppercase; border-top: 1px solid #89c9cb;
 .bsitab {
   background-color: #FFF; padding: 5px;  font-family: poiret one;  
   font-weight: 900;  text-transform: uppercase;  border-bottom: 3px solid #95d9db;
   border-top: 1px solid #89c9cb; border-left: 1px dotted #89c9cb; 
   border-right: 1px dotted #89c9cb; width: 200px; text-align: center; font-size: 14px;
 .bsitxt {
   font-family: arial; font-size: 10px; text-align: justify; 
 margin-top: 6px; background-color: #FFF; padding: 10px; margin-bottom: 5px;
 border-bottom: 3px solid #95d9db; border-top: 1px solid #89c9cb;
 border-left: 1px dotted #89c9cb; border-right: 1px dotted #89c9cb;
 <center><div class="bsibg"><div class="bsititle">THREAD TITLE HERE</div> 
<table><tr><td valign="left">
<img src="http://placehold.it/100x100/" style="border: 10px solid #FFF;"></td>
<td valign="left"><img src="http://placehold.it/100x100/" style="border: 10px solid #FFF;"></td>
<td valign="left"><img src="http://placehold.it/100x100/" style="border: 10px solid #FFF;"></td></tr></table>
<table><tr><td><div class="bsitab">#000 WORDS</div></td><td><div class="bsitab">@TAGNAME
 <div class="bsitxt">
 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum varius 
 tincidunt nisl, a suscipit leo placerat vulputate. Duis lobortis lectus a
 mauris ullamcorper, sed pretium mauris commodo. Curabitur facilisis purus
 sed nibh vestibulum fringilla. Morbi euismod pulvinar arcu a sagittis. 
 Curabitur congue libero in gravida posuere. Aenean euismod arcu risus, 
 sit amet semper turpis accumsan at. Mauris orci mauris, egestas sed 
 luctus vel, congue a leo. In velit elit, maximus vel est sed, congue 
 rutrum purus.<p>Nunc viverra justo id quam efficitur tincidunt.
 Etiam in lacus et magna luctus tempus vestibulum et elit. Aliquam at quam 
 vulputate, viverra nisl a, gravida lorem. Pellentesque ornare nisl eu 
 consequat tempor. In sem sapien, facilisis nec ultrices vitae, porttitor
 eget tortor. Vivamus in velit at odio laoreet aliquam. Duis suscipit augue
 sed enim porta ultricies. Quisque sed massa vel lorem laoreet mattis. Aenean 
 congue posuere dictum. Praesent arcu mi, consequat vitae nibh et, ornare 
 venenatis dui. Fusce quis quam tempus elit pharetra mollis.
 Mauris sollicitudin in arcu sit amet sollicitudin. Proin dapibus augue sed 
 lectus varius viverra. Phasellus ut massa at justo lobortis molestie non at 
 risus. Donec at velit et ipsum dignissim pharetra eu sed ligula. Donec porta
 euismod laoreet<p>. Sed pulvinar cursus felis, quis ullamcorper diam euismod 
 id. Etiam accumsan, nibh venenatis blandit fringilla, erat neque efficitur lorem, quis interdum eros
 turpis ultrices ante. Aenean bibendum nunc blandit, semper orci eget, molestie
 quam. Curabitur volutpat vitae mauris sit amet eleifend. Sed malesuada nibh ex, id lobortis lorem imperdiet vitae. Etiam tristique orci eu sapien rhoncus hendrerit. Curabitur congue ornare dictum. Donec eu mi dolor. Maecenas ac feugiat massa, quis tincidunt orci. Nulla facilisi. Proin molestie posuere porttitor. Etiam rutrum suscipit arcu, a molestie augue hendrerit id.</div></div><br
   <div style="background-color: #FFF; padding: 5px; font-family: poiret one; font-weight: 900; text-transform: uppercase; border-bottom: 3px solid #95d9db; border-top: 1px solid #89c9cb; border-left: 1px dotted #89c9cb; border-right: 1px dotted #89c9cb; width: 90px; text-align: center; font-size:  16px;"><a href="http://shine.b1.jcink.com/index.php?showuser=12501"> @ARIA



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   <p>This is where the words go, a paragraph starts off with a really nice big capital letter <b>the bold looks pretty damn nice too I think</b> and then of course <i>there's the italics which are equally as stunning you know</i> also this whole thing will just scroll super pretty for you. Here look and see! 

<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc eget rhoncus urna. Donec et sagittis neque, vel euismod odio. In id congue magna. Proin ut elit eros. Fusce ac mi sed turpis tristique tristique vestibulum posuere tortor. Donec quis eleifend mauris. Aliquam malesuada hendrerit mauris. Quisque varius est quam, at ultrices urna blandit et. Nulla feugiat sit amet nibh et egestas.

<p>Nam dictum eros odio, a tristique mauris dignissim vitae. Fusce a ipsum nisi. Morbi sagittis sapien at interdum maximus. Proin ornare, risus sit amet vulputate auctor, magna justo aliquam sem, id lacinia erat quam et nisi. Sed nec eros at quam condimentum fringilla. Nullam aliquam blandit erat rhoncus dignissim. Cras sit amet urna commodo, blandit odio non, lacinia justo. Ut vitae condimentum odio. Aliquam a nisl nisi. Nam ac tincidunt massa. 
<div style='position: relative; top: 20px; z-index: 2; width: 350px; height: 20px; background-color: #B76782;'></div>
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<div style="font-family: georgia; font-size: 36px; color: #fafafa; letter-spacing: -4px; text-transform: uppercase;">ONE LINE OF WORDS</div>
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<div style="width: 380px; height: 380px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; font-family: arial; font-size: 11px; line-height: 11px; color: #fafafa; padding: 5px 10px; border: 2px solid #ffffff; overflow: auto;">
I love lemon drops fruitcake sugar plum chocolate danish caramels halvah. Jelly beans candy canes lemon drops donut I love. Unerdwear.com jelly chocolate cheesecake jelly beans powder sweet roll. Donut toffee brownie sesame snaps carrot cake powder unerdwear.com. Gummi bears marzipan gummies icing icing. I love sweet chocolate bar chupa chups bear claw halvah brownie jelly. I love liquorice bonbon bear claw. Dragée I love fruitcake brownie. Carrot cake halvah halvah.
Marshmallow lemon drops I love biscuit cookie. Jelly-o caramels carrot cake cookie croissant jelly beans cheesecake. Applicake caramels gummi bears chocolate cake bear claw I love. Pie jelly beans croissant biscuit marshmallow I love sweet roll sweet candy. Unerdwear.com liquorice unerdwear.com cookie cupcake I love. Dessert sesame snaps powder gingerbread powder jelly-o muffin. Dessert lemon drops soufflé sesame snaps gummies I love. I love fruitcake jelly I love. Gummies jelly beans sweet roll I love lollipop candy unerdwear.com toffee. Sugar plum soufflé danish chocolate.
Donut brownie marshmallow I love pudding. Tiramisu candy cotton candy I love soufflé caramels I love. Danish chocolate bar gummi bears jelly beans. Pudding croissant toffee applicake sweet roll jelly beans. Sweet roll chocolate bar sweet roll I love I love gummi bears. Donut toffee sweet roll gummi bears icing bonbon tiramisu candy canes. Cupcake gingerbread I love jelly beans. Chupa chups gummi bears sugar plum croissant unerdwear.com bonbon I love jujubes sweet roll.
Sweet donut jelly-o pastry. Liquorice cupcake topping wafer tootsie roll. Biscuit topping chocolate cake chupa chups cotton candy I love. Candy canes chupa chups chocolate cake biscuit muffin donut pastry icing sweet roll. Gingerbread toffee sweet roll. Croissant gummi bears I love. Bear claw biscuit bear claw I love. Sweet jujubes carrot cake chocolate caramels lollipop.
Cookie jelly pie gummies carrot cake lemon drops. Halvah icing tiramisu. I love cheesecake jelly-o. Dragée pudding cookie marzipan carrot cake sweet pie. Cupcake sugar plum I love jujubes cookie bonbon I love powder. Donut candy bonbon.



<div style="background-color: #000000; width: 450px; font-family: georgia; font-size: 7px; padding: 15px 5px 15px 5px; color: #fafafa; letter-spacing: 2px; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; line-height: 100%;">[b]NOTES[/b] notes go hereee
<BR> MADE WITH <font color="red">&hearts;</font> BY <A HREF="http://shine.b1.jcink.com/index.php?showuser=1405">IVY</A></div>


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